Testimony in Hebrew means "do it again with the same power and authority!"

Allow the testimony of what God did to echo into your life as well. Thank you Jesus!
God Provided A Location

"I went out on Monday 5/8/23 to find our meeting location and by the end of the week it was a done deal!  Thank you Jesus!!" - Christopher Grey

A New Creation

"I gave my heart to Jesus today(5/16/23)!" - D'Anthony

Jesus Heals Backs

"Jesus took that pain from me and I'm standing straighter that I have stood in years!" - Judy

New Brother in Christ

"I'm feeling pretty good now!" - Calvin

Calvin gave his heart to Jesus on 5/17/23

Share your story

"I witnessed to two people and helped them give their heart to Christ.  That was the first time ever!" - Andre

Jesus heals stomach pain

"I thank God for Jesus healing me, and prayer!" - Thurston

God heals knee pain

"The clicking is gone.  I don't feel any pain." - Jesse

E.R. couldn't fix it, but Jesus did!

"After service on Sunday everyone prayed for me and my pain went to a zero!" - Kristy